"Well, I want to talk about you and your relationship with Akshita"

"Sit beta it is going to be a long conversation" Adhiraj said calmly
and Ekansh sat on the opposite chair.

"Ekansh, you have some responsibilities towards your company, towards your friends and towards your family."

"But most important towards your WIFE."

Ekansh looks at him with a frown.

"You know that you are a married man now, and I have seen How you have been ignoring your responsibilities since your marriage," Adhiraj said, looking straight at him.

"I'm not ignoring my responsibilities dadu I am jus---" Ekansh got cut in the middle by Adhiraj.

"You are just ignoring your WIFE..Am I right?" Adhiraj asked but Ekansh looked away.

"Beta running away from your situation is not an option"

"I know for you responsibilities mean fulfilling the needs of everyone with money but you are wrong my child"

"As a businessman I know money can buy anything but that doesn't mean it can buy everything."

"Responsibilities are much more than that, it means happiness, spending time, care, Love."

"Love for your grandparents, your parents, your Siblings and for your WIFE."

"I know you didn't like the fact of marriage when I put Akshita's alliance in front of you, but bacche trust me it was my best decision, one that I will never regret, not even in my dreams."

"I know you are big enough to take your life decisions but I also know what's good or not for my family"

"And Akshita is the best thing that ever happened in your life, she is pure and an innocent soul, and too innocent for this world but you have to keep her to yourself"

"You told me you have some exceptions from your wife? but didn't she have any expectations from you?" Adhiraj inquired, his tone gentle yet questioning.

"What she needs more dadu? I am everything a girl can ask for", Ekansh said Confidently.

Adhiraj chuckled and said "No!" To which Ekansh frowns.

"Not every girl dreams of richness, my child, some want love and attention too" he told him.

"I have never seen her staring at you lovingly, you know why?
Because she is scared of you, she fears your anger from what she heard from others, she doesn't have any idea of that soft Ekansh" he said, making Ekansh divert his gaze.

"I'm just like this dadu," Ekansh replied, looking away.

"No! You are not I know you way better than anyone else, you are not showing your true self because you are not ready"

"Married life takes time, and you just run here and there to deny the fact that you are married, you both have to put effort"

"Show her your loving side, try to understand her you will know what a gem you have"

"Akshita will never like it if you treat her as a responsibility only, I know her she surely wants you to accept her with whole heart, where you will take care of her not just because of a responsibility but because you love her"

"Your parents need your time, your aunty uncle needs your time, your grandparents need your time, your siblings need your time BUT"...

"Your wife needs your time, care and love"

"We all have seen how much Avyansh and Tara Love each other. They have been in love since their college days, looking at them doesn't she feel that she also needed a relationship like theirs? she doesn't say anything that's not mean she doesn't want anything"

"She may not show it but she cares for you, she loves you" Adhiraj said making Ekansh shocked, never in the dream he imagines she will love him that too after seeing his behaviour with her.

Dadaji unko set kerane k liye jhut toh mat bolo😭

"In these 4 months you were never there for her when she needed you, but now I want you to be with her, take it as my order or whatever but now I want that, take her on dates, parties you are newly wedded enjoy your time with her then you will know each other"

"I want you to work at the office from 9 am to 7 pm only." Ekansh looked at him like someone snatched his favourite toffee.

"Dadu bu---" he started to speak again but Adhiraj interrupted him.
"No excuses now! You don't even know how much she tolerates other people's questions for your absence. She performed every ritual of Avyansh's wedding all alone without you, and why weren't you there? Because you chose to run away from her. But now, stop all this," his voice clearly showed how annoyed and angry he was with him.

"Until you will not accept her, I don't think she will consider our family as her own"

"Whenever someone asks her about your absence, she always makes excuses your Dadi always throws taunts at her for your absence, but she never replied back, it's not like she can't reply back but you know why she doesn't? For YOU" Adhiraj and Ekansh look confused.

"A girl leaves everything behind for her husband, who comes first to her before anything and if her husband will leave her alone then she can't ask or say anything to anyone"

"Give chance to your marriage my child, your dadu is saying by his own experience, trust me you will not regret" he said, patting his shoulder and leaving the room leaving Ekansh in his Thoughts.

Ekansh started thinking about his behaviour in the last 4 months towards Akshita. He realised that he never tried to talk to her, not even giving her a glance. The first time he spoke to her was to tell her, "I don't need you, so stay away from me," and he did so very rudely, which only made them more distant.

After contemplating for a while, Ekansh took a heavy sigh and made his way upstairs. On his way, he noticed Tara and Avyansh sitting in the garden area, engrossed in conversation and laughter. They seemed like the perfect happy couple, which made him realise that he had never spent quality time with his wife like that.

He had never truly considered her his wife. Diverting his gaze, he continued towards his room with a heavy heart.

The Room

Ekansh entered the room and his eyes fell upon Akshita sitting in the balcony, wrapped in a quilt and engrossed in a book. He found himself staring at her, captivated by her presence. Sensing someone's gaze, Akshita turned her head and met his gaze. For a brief moment, their eyes locked, but she quickly averted her gaze and focused on her book, knowing all too well that he would not initiate a conversation and would continue to behave as if she didn't exist.

The Balcony

They are Strangers, He doesn't want to initiate any kind of talk and things with her, while she can't, because he will not like it.

He didn't say anything and lay on the bed leaving a good space beside him, he has worked continuously these days so he falls asleep soon.

Akshita looked at him and sigh heavily, she turned off the lights. She was feeling good on the balcony. It was comfortable so she fell asleep there looking at the stars in the sky. 

Next Morning...

An alarm rang, jolting Ekansh awake, he sat up straight and rub his eyes for better view, he looks at his another side but frowned upon not finding Akshita, it was 5am and as much as he know she doesn't wake up this early, he look around and saw balcony's gate open, he stood up and moved towards the balcony to find her sleeping there.

'What suddenly got into her? Now madam can't even share a bed', He thought getting annoyed looking at her, without saying a word, he went out of the room for the gym after doing his morning routine.

Akshita wakes up feeling hot, she frowns looking at her surroundings but she remembers falling asleep looking at the sky.

She went inside and looked at the clock showing it still had time to wake up, she lay down on the bed not caring about the world.

She is the biggest sleepy head, but she will never accept it.

Time skip...

Ekansh was going towards his room after coming back from his gym when his mother stopped him.

"Ekansh, are you going to your room?" Rashmi asked

"Yes Mom! need something?" He asks her.

"No, just asking you to wake up Akshita, she asked me to wake her up early so she can see off Tara as she is going to her home for rituals" she said.

"There is something called Alarm, she doesn't have to disturb you for silly things" he said remembering the place she was sleeping.

"I know, but she is a big sleepy head, either someone wakes her up or she will wake up at her usual time." Rashmi chuckled to which Ekansh raised his eyebrow getting new information about his Wife.

He nodded and move towards his room after entering the room he looks at her who was sleeping on the bed in Don't know which position', he sighed and come towards her.

'Wait how will I wake her up?'

'Suno? Yukk not my type, think something else Ekansh'

'Hello? Nahh!'

'Let me call her name, No I never talked to her by calling her name it's new for me'

He was deciding how to call her but he didn't get anything.

Preparing himself he calls her name.

"Ak.. Akshita!" He called her Name.

'Why did I stutter?' he thought.

Not getting any reply he again calls her.

"AKSHITA!" He said louder but still she didn't move an inch.

He tried to remove her quilt but she was wrapped in it.

He held the quilt from one side and pull it towards him but Akshita clung it tightly towards her in sleep

He looks at her in disbelief.

"Akshita wake up, it's getting late!! Don't you want to see off Tara?" He said pulling the comforter.

"5 minutes" she said in a sleeping voice, she doesn't even know what she is doing or saying now.

Ekansh waited for 5 minutes but she didn't wake up, he called her again but she didn't reply.

'Mom was right!' he thought, getting annoyed.

"Hey, you sleepy head, wake up now" he said and pulled the whole quilt towards him.

"I'm not waking up go to hell" she shouts in her sleepy voice getting annoyed and again went back to sleep.

He stared at her with wide eyes, taken aback by the fact that she had shouted at him. No one had ever raised their voice at him before, and this was the first time she had done so.

"Sleep after coming back, get up now" he said and pull her right arm to make her sit.

Getting irritated she didn't even open her eyes and took a pillow and threw it hard on him making it fall on his face and again threw herself on bed.

That's it

She dug her own grave...

She threw the pillow on...

The Great Ekansh Raghuvanshi.

Now he had enough, He had tolerated her enough, not now.

"YOU CRAZY WOMAN!! STAND UP RIGHT NOW, I SAID WAKE UP!" He shouts, and you know what?


Akshita remained unaffected and continued to sleep, completely unbothered by his outburst. Looking at her he became angrier. He stormed into the bathroom and emerged with a water bucket in hand. Yes, ladies and gentlemen now it's gonna be world war.

He threw the whole bucket on her and she woke up with a jerk.

"Tsunami! Tsunami! My phone! Where is it?" She shouts getting up from the bed, while Ekansh watches her with folded arms.

She looked around not finding any tsunami, and looked at him and then her gaze moved to the bucket in his hand.

"Ye koi tareeka hai kisi ko uthane ka?" She asked in a low voice.

(Is this a way to make someone wake up?)

He looked at her in disbelief, she was shouting at him in sleep, threw the pillow at him and now not even speaking loud after waking up.

"You crazy sleepy head, I was waking you up for 20 mins and you are asking is this a way?" He scoffed.

"No, I wake up at once! You are lying" she said confidently.

He looks at her with his famous cold face.

"You are seeing that pillow?" He asked, pointing the pillow on the ground.

She nodded.

"You threw it," he said as she frowned.

"So?" She asked

"On My Face" he said clenching his jaw.

"Ohh.....wait...what?" She snapped towards him.

"Yes, you, Crazy woman, you behave like a drunk..No..even drunk people behave better than you" He scolded her.

"I'm neither crazy nor a drunk woman" she said getting offended

He raised his eyebrow.

"You are! CRAZY DRUNK WOMAN" He said forcing on each word.

"I'm not!" She defends herself.

"Ohh Shut up! You are! I don't know what would have mom thought if she came instead of asking me to wake you up" he said

And it clicked that she asked Rashmi to wake her up, she ran towards the bathroom not listing him.

"Hey-- hey! I haven't completed yet" he shouted from behind but she couldn't care less.

'This girl will increase my BP level someday' he thought strumming his feet and moving out of the room not before banging the door.

After some time...

Akshita gets ready and peeks from the wardrobe if he is there or not, she doesn't want to face him.

She came out and sighed in relief not finding him there.

She glances at herself in the mirror when she hears a throat clearing.

She looks at the side from the mirror to find him coming behind her, she gulps hard because of his hard glare.

She was moving a little backward but stopped when she hit the dressing table but he continued coming near her.

"Voh....Voh..Voh.." she stammered looking at him, he just raised his right eyebrow with a questioning look.

She didn't know what to do. He was very close to her, her heart beat raised suddenly, she looked here and there to avoid his gaze but he was looking at her intensely.

"S... See, what is that?" she asked abruptly, pointing behind him. He turned to look in the direction she was pointing, momentarily distracted. Taking advantage of the moment, she pushed him lightly and ran away as fast as she could.

Running outside she bumped into someone, she looked up, it was Trisha.

"Bhabhi what happened? Why are you running?" She asked

"Voh..voh Trisha..." She stops not finding any excuse.

"Did you see the rat again?" She asked worriedly, Akshita nodded as fast as she could.

"Bhabhi you don't have to be scared, it's just a rat" she tells her.

'It's Big Rat' she muttered but Trisha Heard.

"Big one! Don't worry I will ask servants to find that rat" Trisha said and Akshita nodded hesitantly.

"Now let's go Tara Bhabhi must be going now," she said and they both went from there. 

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